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Butler County NSDAR Travels to Walnut Grove School

Front row;  L-R Carol Fay Doolin Givens, Gladys Brooks, Peggy Drake, Linda Deweese Back row: L-R Prospective member, Darlene Scott, Jane Eaton-Henderson, Georgia Laverne Romans, Anita Minton,  Reda Henderson

Butler County NSDAR ladies enjoyed a field trip to Walnut Grove 1880 School on Thursday, August 28,2014.Walnut Grove School is on the Boaz property off  231 North. The turn off has always intrigued  with its split rail fencing, the red rock drive and  rock walls just glimpsed from the road.  Tires crunching the stone pulled back into hidden retreat of gardens, ponds, buildings, more split rail fencing, rock walls and, then, there it was Walnut Grove School.
With these last weeks of summer leaving on a scorching note,  there was some concern about  the heat.
We were pleasantly surprised when Peggy Boaz unlocked the door to Walnut Grove School and, on pushing it open, the smell of cedar met us. Even with the 5 windows, all trimmed in cedar ,the room was pitch black and not the oven one might envision. Peggy flipped the switch and the room came alive and two ceiling fans stirred the cedar scented air.  Straight ahead of us was a picture of George Washington, which every one room school displayed.  One end held a pot bellied stove and rockers while the walls behind held pictures and framed articles pertaining to the schools history and of the logs that built it.  Opposite the door, walls on either side of the room held two authentic school room black boards.  The Boaz have created such a step back in time that you could imagine a boy at one and a girl at another peaking up at the Palmer Method writing chart of letters and numbers as they copied them to the boards.  At that end were also 4 benches made by Gene Boaz from trees that had  fallen during the 2009 ice storm.
As Peggy  shared information with us we were stirred by the  many  fond memories attached  to the hard work of  bringing a dream of Peggy's to life.  Peggy, her husband Gene, and their son worked together, with contractors,  finishing  in 2013.
 Looking out the door, across the path, rocks from the original school are scattered .As we listened, a soft rain was falling  in the early dusk . These rocks are older than  the timbers that built Peggy's dream .
 This is historic preservation in action, taking care of our past so youngsters of tomorrow have a window into  everyday life of  our ancestors .
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution  is very active in historic preservation.
It is but one of many programs the Butler County NSDAR takes part in.
Please come join us for a meeting on 4th Thursday of every month  and let us find a patriot hiding in your family tree. Next meeting is Thursday September 25 at 5:00 place to be announced.
For information call: Jane Eaton-Henderson ,BCNSDAR Regent at 270-934-2373 or 270-791-6312. 

Submitted by: Jane Eaton-Henderson


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