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Butler County High School SBDM approves first reading of new attendance policy

The Butler County High School Site-Based Decision Making Council met on Thursday, July 9th at the school library.  Teachers Carissa Poston and Ashley Johnson were absent.   
Mr. O’Driscoll called the meeting to order and welcomed new parent member representative Chris Burden. The council approved the agenda, minutes from the June meeting and the monthly financial report. The school emergency plan was reviewed with no revisions.
Mr. O’Driscoll reviewed the new attendance policy. He stated that the policy is the same as Edmonson County High School. 
“In 2012-13 school year our (BCHS) attendance was 93.7 percent, 2013-14 it fell to 93.6 percent and last year 2014-15 the attendance fell to 92.7 percent,” said O’Driscoll. "Students need to be in school."

CLICK HERE FOR THE NEW ATTENDANCE POLICY:Attendance Policy.pdf   Page 2:Attendance Policy page 2.pdf


Dennis Robbins made a motion to accept the first reading of the revised attendance policy.  Deena Brown provided the second.  Consequently, Dennis Robbins motioned to accept revisions to the driver’s tardy and absence policy; it was seconded by Chris Burden. The attendance policy requires three readings.  Both measures were approved.
Mr. O’Driscoll stated that BCHS passed its Title IX report for 2014-2015 and explained some steps to ensure equity for upcoming school year.
“It is hard to offset the number of male athletes in football. The lack of female athletes continues to be a concern. Hopefully, girls soccer and archery will help in this area,” said O’Driscoll.
Mr. O’Driscoll discussed the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Executive Summary and requested any feedback be presented at next month’s meeting.
Mr. O’Driscoll consulted with the council concerning new hires and filling vacancies. Stacy Rice has been named BCHS librarian and the high school is working to fill Physics, English, Information Technology and Special Education vacancies, according to O’Driscoll.
The council was given a copy of the Tell Survey results and were asked to review the data contained in the survey and see if there were implications for possible changes in polices or procedures within the school and if so, they would be discussed at next month’s meeting. 
The council approved the following: 

  •  Dates and times for the 2015-2016 SBDM Council Meetings:  August 6, September 3, October 1, November 4, December 3, January 7, February 4, March 3, April 14, May 5, June 2, and July 7.  Meetings are scheduled for 4:30 pm and in the BCHS Media Center.
  • A 3-4 day BCHS band trip to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio and to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Ohio, for any band student interested in attending during the week of June 13, 2016.

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