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Butler County Chapter NSDAR Prepares for Genealogy Workshop

On Saturday, July 28 Butler County Chapter NSDAR will hold a Genealogy Workshop at the Butler County Public library meeting room from 10:00-? After the morning session there will be a break for lunch at which time Butler County Chapter ladies will provide bag lunches for $2.00 dessert included. All those interested in learning pointers on tracing your roots whether it is to trace back to a patriot in the Revolutionary War to join the Butler County Chapter NSDAR or because the television show “Who do you think you are”? has you pondering that very question and now wondering were do I start? It can be a daunting task and every ancestor placed on your family tree leads to another branch and another and another . . . 

Butler County Chapter NSDAR registrar, Lois Russ will give valuable information on climbing those trees and hints and pointers on where to look and what pitfalls to avoid. She has prepared extensive folders for each participant including family trees to be filled out. You will also learn that Genealogy without documentation is folklore and how to go about getting needed documentation. After lunch we will have question and answers then break into groups to put into practice what we have learned.

Genealogy is rewarding and a reconnection for many with family; families are the link to our past and bridge to our future. It is so important to listen and document our elder’s tales as when they pass it is like an extensive library has burned to the ground.


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