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BRADD Receives National Association of Development Organizations 2015 Innovation Award

WASHINGTON, DC – The Barren River Area Development District, based in Bowling Green, Kentucky received a 2015 Innovation Award from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation for "Be The Change" program in partnership with Warren County Area Technology Center.  

     The Warren County Tech Center serves Bowling Green Independent Schools, Edmonson County Schools, and Warren County Public Schools in South Central Kentucky.  We offer five Career and Technical Education programs as we cultivate partnerships with all stakeholders in our region.  Programs are developed and supported with SKYCTC, WKU, Barren River Local Workforce Investment Area, Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce, Cannon Automotive, Bowling Green Metal Forming, Greenview Hospital, SCA, Davert, KOBE, Bendix, Shiloh, STOODY, Stewart Richey, and other business in the region. 
    The "Be The Change" project initially established a strong positive culture while rewarding strong work ethics and attendance.  However, as partners rallied around the philosophy, the initiatives to develop the "whole child" in each of the program areas exploded and our partners are now involved with our students and school.  The following programs were incorporated into the “Be The Change” program, implemented and supported: 
•    The ACE Workshop—Kicked off with a event on WKU’s South Campus provided by Barren River Local Workforce Investment Area staff.  Schools delivered students who then participated in training sessions by dynamic speakers and encouraged students with gifts, door prizes, and the opportunity to qualify for the ACE program.  Enrollment in the program involved monthly training sessions that incorporated the leadership traits associated with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, soft skills (Critical Employment Skills), and interview skills.  Students who qualified for the program were placed at the end of the school and were eligible for $8,000.00 tuition reimbursement toward a two year Associate's Degree at eligible schools. 
•    “Be the Change” program-- Strong work ethics has been identified by manufacturers in Kentucky as the primary problem with new hires.  This program recognizes students for strong work ethics and great attendance.  Ghandi was quoted as saying:  “To see a change in society, we must be the change.” 
•    Mentor Monday:  At the end of the first nine week grading period.  Students with perfect attendance and teacher recommendation were selected by manufacturing partners (BG Metalforming, Cannon, and SCA) as potential employees.  These students were placed in a cohort and each manufacturer sent a representative to meet/mentor the cohort each month. 
    The partnerships with the Barren River Local Workforce Investment Area and other industry partners led to significant increases in our Career Readiness accountability measures.  We moved from 64% to 87% in National Career Readiness Certificates (NCRC) and our industry certificates have made significant moves:  Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) moved from 0% in the history of the school in 2012 to 93% pass rate in 2014, American Welding Society (AWS) certification moved from a total of 3 certificates in the history of the school in 2012 to 100% pass rate (30 of 30) for AWS in May of 2015.  Our information technology program moved from 0% in May of 2014 to 100% in May of 2015 (13 of 13).  Construction held 88% pass rate for NCCER certification.  Through our seamless transition for career ready student initiative, we were able to place every student who was career ready and maintained good standing with attendance.  The salaries ranged from $13.00 per hour to $15.50 with apprenticeships and tuition assistance or reimbursement. 

NADO is a Washington, DC-based association that promotes programs and policies that strengthen local governments, communities, and economies through regional cooperation, program delivery, and comprehensive strategies.  The association’s Innovation Awards program recognizes regional development organizations and partnering organizations for improving the economic and community competitiveness of our nation’s regions and local communities.  Award-winning projects were honored during NADO’s 2015 Annual Training Conference, held October 24-27 in New Orleans, LA. 

“For nearly 30 years, NADO’s Innovation Award has provided regional development organizations the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to promoting economic development in rural and small metropolitan communities across the country. Building on the unique strengths and challenges of each region and community, award recipients continue to promote sustainable economic growth not only now, but for many years to come.  And I am pleased to announce that this year over 100 regional development organizations were selected to receive NADO’s 2015 Innovation Award,” said NADO 2014-2015 Board President Terry Bobrowski, Executive Director of the East Tennessee Development District in Alcoa, TN.

For more information about the award-winning project, contact Sharon Woods at the Barren River Area Development District at (270)781-2381 or Eric Keeling at the Warren County ATC at (270) 746-7205.


Since 1967 the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) has provided advocacy, education, networking, and research for the national network of 540 regional development organizations. NADO members provide professional, programmatic and technical assistance to over 2,300 counties and 15,000 municipalities.


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