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"Big Arms" and "Small Arms"

Tiffany Hampton and husband Mark.

A couple weeks ago I wrote about how my baby boy's arms are so small, yet seem to be able to reach so far. Again this week as I was feeding him I was reminded of this next thought.

His little arms can cause such a mess while trying to feed him his baby food! I realize his arms are there and usually in the way of placing the spoon in his mouth. Yet at the same time I don't realize how much of a mess we have until we're finished. However, if his arms were the size of Tucker's or Mac's arms, I would see them better and be fully aware of them swatting the spoon away.

In everyday life, we get busy and a lot of times go through the motions. There is a Christian song that talks about a slow fade. Very often we may not notice the "small arms" that steer us away from the straight and narrow path that God has for us. Now days it may be referred to as the gray area.

Of course the "big arms" are much easier to notice. Right is right, and wrong is wrong...there isn't a half right or half wrong.

A small thing can grow large and suddenly cause a big mess if we don't stay on track with God and His Word.

I challenge myself and you to notice any "small arms" that may be causing a slow fade in the path and plan that God has for us.

God Bless.


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