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Bids, litigation, lawn mowers and liter abatement among topics at Butler Fiscal Court meetings

Butler County Attorney Richard "Dick" Deye

Butler County Fiscal Court met in regular session on July 24th at the Butler County Courthouse.  All magistrates were in attendance. 
County Attorney Richard "Dick" Deye shared with the court a letter of clarification from the Kentucky Association of Counties concerning Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) for advertising and accepting bids.
"We need to review this information and consider some possible changes to the wording on accepting bids for the county," said Deye.

CLICK HERE  for Mr. Deye's letter:Deye Letter.pdf

CLICK HERE for KACO's response:KACO Response.pdf

The court went into closed session to discuss litigation.  Upon returning to open session, the court voted 4-0 to allow County Attorney Dick Deye to enter into an agreement with Stoll, Keenon, & Ogden Law Firm to enforce the Solid Waste Ordinance on behalf of the county. Third District Magistrate Chad Tyree was excused from the vote due to his employment with an involved company.

The court approved the following by a 5-0 vote:

  • Litter Abatement payments to SK Lady Sluggers $603, BCHS Soccer Boosters Girls $592, BCHS Soccer Boosters Boys $612, Andrea's Mission for Women $600, Andrea's Mission for Men $600
  • Payment to Coleman Contracting, Inc. for dump cleanup (Charlie Shepard) $7,996
  • Raise from $13.50 to $14 per hour for Sharon Wood, Judge's Office after 60 days of employment
  • Termite treatment for the Rochester Ferry House $1,200
  • Transfer from General Fund to Jail Fund $25,000
  • Bills and Transfers


On Tuesday, August 1st the court met in a called session at 5:00 p.m. at the Butler County Courthouse. All magistrates were present.
The court approved a quote from 31-W Insulation for $2,554 for insulation at the Rochester Ferry House.  They also approved an increase to the Rochester Ferry House Maintenance /Repair allotment of $12,000.
The court discussed the purchase of a lawn mower for the Butler County Park.  They reviewed quote from Drake's Farm Service and Parkway Cars & Tires.  First District Magistrate Stevie Givens made a motion to table the decision allowing magistrates to review their choices.  Second District Magistrate Johnny Tuck seconded the motion, which passed by a 3-2 vote, with Fourth District Magistrate David Whittinghill and Bobby Moore, Fifth District Magistrate, voting nay.
The court is planning to replace the ramps at Rochester Ferry.  They will advertise for bids through August 25th at 3:00 p.m.
The court approved increasing the Marathon Fuel Card limit to $11,000. 
Heather Keown asked the court about leasing the Annex Building for Zumba and Kick Boxing Classes.  After a discussion, County Attorney Dick Deye stated that the court needs to look into a lease option and liability release.
Bills and transfers were approved, and the meeting adjourned.


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