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Bear Den of Cub Scout Pack 208

David Hocker, Zeke Carathers, Parker Smith, Jason Gordon

The Bear Den of Cub Scout Pack 208 has been hard at work this year.  They have completed two of the 12 Achievements needed for their rank and have also earned several belt loops.

Their work has been aided by a visit from Mr. David Hocker, who talked to the boys about what scouting was like when he was a boy.  He brought pictures, patches, neckerchiefs, and even a scout uniform belonging to the late Bobby Wade.  The scouts enjoyed his presentation very much.

The scouts also visited the Butler County Courthouse Lawn for  Scavenger Hunt Trivia related to the historical markers and monuments located there.  While there, they were able to do tracings of friends and family members names from the Walls of Honor.  It was fun to learn about some of the history of the county.

 Tammy Alford, Den Leader;  Parker Smith,  Zeke Carathers, Ty Seiler, Jason Gordon.


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