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BC Family Resource Center Host Bike Rodeo for 4th Graders

The 4th grade students at Morgantown Elementary recently took part in a rodeo. But this wasn’t your typical broncs and bulls type of event. On October 30th, the students took part in a bicycle rodeo. The program, funded by Kosair Children’s Hospital and organized by the Butler County Family Resource Center, is presented by Doug Beckhart of Louisville, Ky. Through obstacle courses and other bicycle riding activities, Mr. Beckhart has been teaching bicycle safety for 15 years.

Students are taught things such as fundamentals of bike riding, proper signaling and rules for riding on the road. Students learn that they should stop, get off their bikes and walk them across railroad tracks. They are also taught to always stop at stop signs, or when crossing any street, and look both ways.

Beckhart stresses that you should ALWAYS wear a helmet when riding your bicycle. “You’re never too old to wear a helmet,” he says. According to the Center for Head Injury Services, about 75% of all bicyclists who die each year die of head injuries. Nearly 85% of head injuries sustained in bicycle accidents could be prevented by wearing a helmet.

He was at North Butler Elementary November 4th to present the program to those students. Beckhart says bicycle riding is a form of physical activity that can promote a lifelong healthy lifestyle.


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