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Andy Sullivan: Against The Grain/Oh Snapple!

It’s time for another Snapple column! I love the little-known facts on the insides of the caps.  Without further ado, here we go.  There are approximately 7,000 feathers on an eagle.  People don’t sneeze when they are asleep because the nerves involved in the sneeze reflex are resting.  Six year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day.  Adults only laugh 15-100 times a day.  No wonder kids are so much more joyous.  Here’s one that Sheldon Cooper would enjoy: brain waves can power an electric train. 
You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.  Get your rest.  In Switzerland, it is illegal to own only one guinea pig because they are prone to illness.  The chicken is the closest living relative to Tyrannosaurus Rex.  A tune that gets stuck in your head is called an earworm.  I guess I have a lot of earworms.  That sounds disgusting!
In Youngstown, Ohio, it’s against the law to run out of gas.  Dolphins sleep with one eye open.  Maybe they have to worry about sleeping with the fishes (Ba dum cha)! A little history lesson: The Inca built the largest and wealthiest empire in South America, but had no concept of money.  Sailors once thought wearing gold earrings improved eyesight.  George Washington feared being buried alive.  40% of twins develop their own language.  Best friends and drunk people are also known to invent their own language. 
Only female mosquitos bite.  I get attacked by a lot of female mosquitos when I mow the yard.  I’m sure I’m not alone.  The side of a hammer is called a cheek.  Most lipstick contains fish scales.  Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.  Giraffes can lick their own eyes.  The White House was once called the President’s Palace.  It became the White House in 1901.  The only insect that can turn its head is the praying mantis.  An alligator can go through 3,000 teeth in a lifetime. 
Dolphins are unable to smell.  To estimate the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, count the number of cricket chirps in 15 seconds then add 37.  Poison ivy is not ivy and poison oak is not an oak.  They are both part of the cashew family.  When grazing or resting, cows tend to align their bodies with the magnetic north and south poles.  The roadrunner chases after its prey at a blurring speed of up to 25 mph. 
The number “1”or the word “one” appears on the dollar bill 16 times.  The only joint-less bone in the body is in your throat.  John Tyler had more children than any other U,S. president.  The last of his 15 children was born when he was 70 years old.  40 degrees Fahrenheit is the same temperature as -40 degrees Celsius.  South Carolina is home to the first tea farm in the U.S.  The first penny had the motto “Mind your business”.  The optimum depth of water in a birdbath is two and a half inches. 
And now for the final six: Every ton of recycled paper saves about 17 trees.  A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber.  Be honest, how many of you now want to try that? I do.  The infinity sign is called a lemniscate.  Maine is the only state with a one-syllable name.  President Warren G. Harding once lost White House china in a poker game.  Tennessee was previously named Franklin after Benjamin Franklin. 


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