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Andy Sullivan: Against The Grain

Why do we want what we know we can’t have? Yes, that’s a Reba song from 1983 but that’s not what this is going to be about.  The perception is that the grass is greener on the other side.  That doesn’t always mean that it, in fact, is greener.  When we shop for a particular item, we almost always go for the item in the shiny packaging.  All the while, what we’re searching for might be what we consider to be in blasé packaging.  But why?
I think that we’re conditioned to go for the style sometimes over substance. Human nature is to never be satisfied, to always be looking for more, more, more.  We want better: a better job, a better car, a better partner.  What we need to do is look at those who don’t have these things.  Chances are, we’d be more grateful for what we do have. 
When we choose something or someone for an extended period of time, the “wanting what you can’t have” can’t come into play.  We do have that wandering eye.  Some more than others but we all have it.  I’m not suggesting that we all need to have tunnel vision so much that we miss what goes on in the world around us.  I am saying that we need to realize how good we have it.  God blesses us with everything we have. Whether we believe it or not, we have enough.  The rest is just gravy. 


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