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911 motion tabled on unanimous vote; Clerk returns $191K to county

 Butler County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Monday, February 27, at the Butler County Courthouse.  Several were in attendance due to the anticipation of a vote concerning the 911 Dispatch Service in Butler County.  Once again First District Magistrate Stevie Givens made a motion to table Fourth District Magistrate David Whittinghill's motion for the county to take over fiscal control of the 911 Dispatch Service.  Fifth District Magistrate Bobby Moore provided the second for Givens' motion, which passed unanimously on a 5-0.  No time limit was attached to the motion to table.

Dwayne McKinney addresses the court.

A called meeting was held on Thursday, February 23, to discuss the tabled motion from the February 13 meeting when Fourth District Magistrate David Whittinghill made a motion for Fiscal Court to take full control of 911 Dispatch, effective July 1 of this year.  That motion was seconded by Second District Magistrate Johnny Tuck. First District Magistrate Givens made a motion to table the issue, which was seconded by Magistrate Chad Tyree until the February 27 meeting.  A roll call was needed and the motion to table the issue carried with Magistrates Givens, Tyree and Bobby Moore supporting it,  with Magistrates Tuck and Whittinghill opposed.

The Butler County Ambulance Board had presented a resolution at the called meeting stating they believed it is in the best interest of the Butler County 911 System and Emergency Services to keep the 911 Dispatch in its current form, management, and location.



Visitor Dwayne McKinney addressed the court in support of the current 911 Dispatch Service.  McKinney compared fiscal court taking over the 911 services to his business, Dwayne's Excavation, LLC, taking over the county road department or recycling center.

"Don't screw up something that is good...I worked part-time for the sheriff's department several years ago, when there was no or limited radio contact," said McKinney.

Butler County Clerk Sherry Johnson presented a check to the Fiscal Court for $191,972.33 reflecting the net income from the office for January 1, 2016, through February 8, 2017.


Butler County Clerk.pdf

After going into closed session with Butler County Jailer Rocky Tyree, the court returned and approved the hiring of Donna Embry, Advanced-Practice Registered Nurse, for the Butler County Jail at the cost of $100 per week and the cost of liability insurance. According to Tyree, the jail is required to have a medical underwriter to make on-site visits.

The court approved the following items:
 - Correction to the September 26, 2016, minutes reflecting a second by Johnny Tuck to approve payment to the Boys & Girls Club in the amount of $12,500
 - Amendment to the Sheriff's Budget
 - Rehiring seasonal employees Randy Grubb and Warren Brooks for County Road Department
 - County/City Clean Up Days
 - Budget Amendment 2nd Reading and Adoption
 - Transfer of $20,000 from the General Fund to Jail Fund
 - Bills and Transfers
 - Purchase of a 7X14 Dump Trailer for $6,498 for the Recycling Center using grant money

Emergency Management Director Richard Henderson reported on the anticipated insurance settlement for the Morgantown Fire Department, Rescue Squad, and Senior Citizens building due to water damage.   The total claim was $56,520.29, minus $500 deductible, $19,882.68 for clean up by ServPro, and depreciation of $4,542.82.


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