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2012 Provo Pie Supper

Team barbeque are Alex Gabbard, Tony Brooks, Tom Lawrence, Pierce Ford and Larry Lawrence

The 2012 Provo pie supper, held Saturday night at the community building, once again gave the residents a chance to welcome everyone in homecoming fashion. The supper is the annual fundraiser for the operation of the community building itself according to Provo Rural Development president, Tony Wilson. “I want to thank our volunteers for the hard work, the people who came out in support and especially All American Barbeque for supplying the meat for the meal,” said Wilson.

Activities for this year’s pie supper included games of skill and face painting for the kids, a cakewalk and of course, good eats. With pleasantly full stomachs, it was time to begin the homecoming portion of the evening which meant finding and talking to friends, old and new. At 7 P.M., an auction of pies, cakes and many items donated by community members was held.

  Brothers Dale and Tommy Franklin offer fried apple pies

Even the taste buds were given a trip down memory lane as one of the choices of sauce was prepared by Mitchell Russ of Morgantown Dairy Mart fame. Tom Lawrence, co-owner of All American Barbeque in Bowling Green is the son of Provo resident, Larry Lawrence.

Mary Thacker and Riah Pendley

Winners during the evening included:
Henry Golden Boy rifle-Eddie Snell
39” Television-Dwight Pendley

The winner is number 4.

Hayden Whitaker adjusts his sights

Story and photos by Roger Southerland, Beech Tree News/WLBQ 1570AM



I am so happy to see you still hold a pie supper. What a nice walk down memory lane and special hello to all the Wilson clan.

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