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18th Annual Quality Christmas Parade "Holiday Heroes"

Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 1:00pm

Line up starts at 12:00 p.m. at Oldl Andrews Store - Hwy. 106 East, Quality KY 

Rebecca Tyree will be the Grand Marshal 

Awards will be given to the winning entry of each category 

Categories will be: truck, car, float, ATV, and tractor (all entries must be decorated as you would like) 

There will be a country ham drawing for participants.

Non perishable food donations will be received at the Quality Baptist Church for Morgantown Mission.


For more information Contact:

Fred Tate - (270) 755-5331

Roger Tanner - (270) 726-5155

Jeff Forgy - (270) 847-5369

Reed Forgy - (270) 847-6138