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Fiscal Court Mtg

Monday, February 8, 2021 - 5:00pm

1. Call to Order Judge Executive Tim Flener

2. Approve Minutes for January 25, 2021 OLD BUSINESS

3. Spring and Fall Butler County Clean Up Days

4. Estimate from Quality on unit for Butler County Attorney office

5. Rubberized Roofing Material

6. Specs on the courthouse painting and wrapping NEW BUSINESS

7. Scottie Ward - Salary state has allowed - Amendment #1 - Budget Payout

8. Refund of 2020 quarter four Occupational Tax in the amount of 179.00 to Jobe Publishing, Inc., account #1524-1. This amount was the 2% payment for City of Morgantown

9. 5TH District Fire Dept treasurer's report

10. Motion to approve payment for each elected official completing 40 hours of training for 2020- payment to be issued 02/18/2021

11. Motion to approve to appropriate Barren River Area Child Advocacy Center in the amount of $1,500.00 - Presentation by Jennifer Bryant

12. Friends of BC Animals quarterly report

13. Discussion on cab for Freightliner

14. John Deere Quote

15. Boyd/Whayne Cat quote

16. Monthly Treasurer's Settlement

17. Motion to approve to transfer $25,000.00 from General Fund to Jail Fund

18. Butler County has been awarded an Illegal Open Dump Grant

19. Waxing of Floors Courthouse and Senior Center

20. Tree Removal Porter Road 3rd District

21. CDL wage increase $1.00 Frank Dennis Woosley -Road Department

22. Bills and Transfers

23. Adjourn