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Grain Production Series Offered at the BC Extension Service

A series of grain production educational meetings is about to begin.  It will be unlike any traditional Extension program farmers or landowners have attended before.  County Agents and Extension Specialists from the UK College of Agriculture will offer the series of programs over the internet.  The specialists will present from their location:  Lexington, Princeton, or wherever they are and can find an internet connection.  Farmers and landowners can view and participate in these programs from their local Extension Office and eventually from their home or shop if they have a good internet connection. 

    The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture uses a computer program called Microsoft Lync to communicate.  It gives users the ability to have virtual meetings where attendees can see presentations, see and hear one another, ask questions, interact, and learn without having to travel.  Butler County will be conducting a pilot program where we have a different grain production topic each month offered via Lync.  The schedule and presenters are listed here:

-    April 24 @ 8:30 a.m. - Dr. Chad Lee - Corn Considerations & Wheat Update
-    May 15 @ 8:30 a.m.– Dr. Chad Lee & Dr. Doug Johnson – Soybean Planting         Considerations & Insects Affecting Grain Crops
-    June 26 @ 8:30 a.m.– Dr. Paul Vincelli – Fungicide Application on Corn
-    July 17 @ 8:30 a.m.– Dr. Don Hershman - Soybean Diseases, SCN and     Fungicides on Soybeans
-    August 21 @ 8:30 a.m. - Dr. Jim Martin - Herbicide Resistant Weeds and     Management    Strategies
-    October 16 @ 8:30 a.m. - Dr. Edwin Ritchey - Manure Application for Grains

    Each session will begin at 8:30 a.m. and last 1 hour.  There will be a 15 minute presentation on the scheduled topic, a 15 minute presentation on a current issue affecting grain production, and 30 minutes for questions from those that attend the meeting.  Some farmers have seen the Lync technology before and have been receptive to receiving information this way.   The intent of the program is to offer grain producers information they need where they want it.  The Lync technology is a step in the right direction and we hope grain producers will participate in this unique learning opportunity. 

    For more information, contact the Butler County Extension Office at 112 E GL Smith Street, Morgantown, or call 270-526-3767.

    Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.

By: Greg Drake II, County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources


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