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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

Meanness Towards Those We Love

Up until now I’ve only stuck my toe into the water.  Now I decided to go jump in whole-hog with the question:  Why sometimes do we show meanness toward those we love?

“That something within us which rejoices when disaster or misfortune overtakes even those we love….?”  “I told you so – you have made your bed hard, now you can lay in it!”

Once I got my bare foot caught under a home-made jalopy going downhill – blood and all. 

Mother:  “I told you to stay off of that thing!  Now look at you and your sore foot!”  She chews me out as she goes and gets the medicine and starts to attend my bloody foot.

“The dark nature of evil comes out at times when disaster happens to the ones we love. (Hammarskjold)”

We knew a woman who stayed mad at her husband for a while after he died…“leaving her with kids to raise by herself.”  It stems from the original sin – self-interest….self-centeredness.  Whose picture do we look for first in a group picture?  Ourselves!

On a daughter’s wedding day, a mother fussed and said, “You could have stayed home and helped me and your daddy.”  This forced the mother’s “dark side” out into the light.

I had a book called, “Horns and Haloes.”  Sometimes our horns pop out through our haloes.  I loaned it to a friend.  He used it teaching his Sunday school class. 

This happened to the Apostle Peter when he denied Christ (three times)…yet he loved Christ so much he requested to be crucified upside down when he was executed by the Romans.  “I don’t deserve to die like my Savior did,” was his reason. 

“My Savior’s death was unique,” Peter said.  So was his Resurrection! (mine)

Jesus took our “dark nature” upon Himself at the Cross.

“Alas and did my sovereign die – at the cross.”


Kindest regards…


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