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CRP Participants May Request Authorization to Conduct Emergency Haying or Grazing of CRP Acres

The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) announces the opportunity for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) participants to request authorization to conduct emergency haying or grazing on specific CRP acres. Authorization is based on a U. S. Drought Monitor designation of D0 or higher for Butler County on or after July 19, 2012. Eligible producers who are interested in applying for approval to conduct Emergency Haying or Grazing of CRP land located in Butler County must request and obtain individual written approval from FSA before any haying or grazing starts. Participants will be assessed a 10 percent payment reduction on their annual rental payment for the acres actually hayed or grazed.

Interested CRP participants are required to submit a request to FSA and obtain a modified conservation plan to hay and/or graze under emergency provisions. The same acres may not be hayed and grazed under the same emergency designation. Emergency haying or grazing is not allowed within 120 feet of any stream or water body. Specified portions of each field or contiguous fields must be left or grazed with limited stock for wildlife purposes.

Emergency haying or grazing is restricted to specific practices that are 12 months past being determined as fully established by the agency. Introduced and permanent native grass practices enrolled under general CRP practice eligibility are among those eligible practices. In addition to previously announced eligible practices, the CP25 practice is now eligible for emergency haying. Continuous grass waterway practice CP8A is also eligible under an expanded authorization.

Participants shall not start any haying or grazing activity until individual written approval is received for the CRP contract request. Approved haying authorization will end not later than August 31st. Approved grazing authorization will end not later than September 30th.

To take advantage of the emergency haying and grazing provisions, approved participants can use the CRP acreage for their own livestock or may grant another livestock producer use of the CRP acreage for the purpose of haying or grazing.

For more information and to request approval for emergency haying or grazing of CRP acres, contact the Morgantown Service Center at 270-526-3765.


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