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First Baptist Church Hosts Neel Family

Clara Lee Missionary Circle and the First Baptist Church hosted Scott, Patti, Hannah and Jack Neel on Wednesday evening, August 13, 2014. at the church.  There was a wonderful pot-luck meal in the church Fellowship hall with 96 people attending.  Before the meal, it was announced that Representative C.B. Embry Jr. had returned from Frankfort with the approval from the state for beginning the work on the new fellowship hall. 
After the meal everyone gathered in the church sanctuary for an interesting and informative presentation by Scott and Pattie about the mission work they are doing in Hungary as missionaries for Campus Crusade for Christ.  Scott included some videos in his presentation and questions were asked by audience members.
“I am very pleased with how the younger crowd was so attentive and respectful during the presentation,” said Bro. Greg Wallace.
A love offering of $700 was given to the Neel’s.   Gifts were also presented by individual mission groups from the church to each separate member of the Neel family.


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